In-App Browsers on Android

M.G. Siegler likes the fact that Facebook on Android now has a built-in browser, instead of sending you to a dedicated browser app when you open a link. Me, I'm not a fan. Instead of opening links in the browser of my choice that provides the features I actually want, I get a sub-par, slower browser that lacks even basic features like a working share button.1

The worst part is that it's not necessary. Built-in browsers make sense on iOS, where users can't easily go back to the originating app once they're kicked into a browser app. But on Android, you just hit the back button, and you're back in the previous app. That's one of the reasons why I think OS-level back buttons are a good idea, despite of their issues.


Dominic Wellington:

For one thing, Safari has all the cookies, and I don't want to log in to things all over again just because I tapped on a link in an app rather than going through the browser.

  1. And, in some use cases, causes a security problem↩︎

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