For 100 of Our Closest Friends, Volume Three

Together with Jon Bell, I've been working on a trilogy of short books. Each is only forty pages long. Each is filled with essays on design (though some of the essays might be stretching the definition of the word "design"). And each is limited to a print run of 102 copies.

The first two have sold out. We've now started working on the last book in our trilogy. If you'd like to have a copy (as well as digital versions of all three books), you can get it here.

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designed for use cover

But wait, there's more!

Want to read more like this? Buy my book's second edition! Designed for Use: Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web is now available DRM-free directly from The Pragmatic Programmers. Or you can get it on Amazon, where it's also available in Chinese and Japanese.